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New Post-Doc Vacancy in Evolutionary Developmental Biology!

We have a post-doc vacancy to focus on questions related to evolutionary developmental biology and genomics including the genetic and epigenetic basis of phenotypic change. The project takes place within our highly interdisciplinary group and has generous support from a recently awarded NERC Highlight topics grant to Dr Kevin J. Parsons (PI), Prof Neil B. Metcalfe, Dr Shaun S. Killen and Dr Jan Lindström. 

The project provides an opportunity to take evo-devo and genomics in a new direction by investigating the impact that long-term exposures to varying thermal regimes can have on evolution. The postdoc will be in charge of leading and applying large-scale population genomic and QTL mapping approaches to sticklebacks that have evolved within geothermally-heated and ambient temperature locations in Iceland. A substantial portion of this research will also involve the use of genomics to understand patterns of methylation in response to temperature in both wild and lab-reared populations. While these genomic approaches will be used, the lab is phenotype-first orientated and works at the intersections of ecology, evolution, physiology, and development.

See also the lab website of Kevin Parsons to get a broader feel for the ideas of techniques that will be involved in this research.

Deadline is January 8, 2017! To apply click here and search for reference 015558.




New Lab Openings!

Photo credit: Todd Radenbaugh

Photo credit: Todd Radenbaugh

Recently I've been fortunate to receive funding from the European Research Council for a 5 year project which will examine the role of physiological traits in fish vulnerability to commercial fishing gears, with implications for fisheries-induced evolution. Basically, the main questions will be - do the physiological traits of some fish within a species make those individuals more prone to being captured? And if so, can this lead to evolutionary change in population via selection on such traits?

As part of this project I currently have three positions open in my lab:

A 4 year post doc position (deadline for application March 8, 2015). Find out more here.

A 3.5 year PhD position (deadline for application March 1, 2015). Find out more here.

A 2 year research technician position (deadline for application March 22, 2015). Find out more here.

All positions will involve a mix of lab and fieldwork. I am very excited to bring together a dynamic team for this project so please contact me if you are interest in any of the positions!
